15 December 2023


Economic Framework for the York and North Yorkshire MCA


Report of the Director of Transition







The report sets out a draft Economic Framework for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.




2.1       The proposed York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority (CA) is scheduled to be created in January 2024 with a Mayor being elected in May 2024. Producing an Economic Framework will ensure the CA is in a strong position for when the mayor is elected in May 2024.


2.2       Whilst acknowledging that a Mayor will want the opportunity to shape development of a long term economic strategy, an Economic Framework will provide initial direction for the CA and to help with decision-making and prioritisation in advance of the Mayor.


2.3       The Economic Framework will create a strategic focus and ensure that the Mayor is elected to a region and Constituent Councils with a shared strategic ambition and established priorities.


2.4       A core element of the devolution deal is a 30 year Mayoral Investment Fund. A statutory requirement of this Fund is to deliver a 5-Yearly Gateway Review, essentially demonstrating progress and impact made via the investment. As part of that process, a Local Evaluation Plan and baseline report must be created. This Framework will help to establish that baseline position for future monitoring and evaluation.



3.1       The Framework builds on the strategic plans from the City of York Council and North Yorkshire Council alongside existing sub-regional strategies, such as the Routemap to Carbon negative, all developed from wider consultations and robust evidence bases.


3.2       Working in collaboration and building on the synergies between the existing strategies, the Framework identifies the opportunities for the sub-region that complement local ambitions and provide opportunities for economies of scale and shared benefits across the whole geography.


3.3       To support this collaboration, a series of workshops were undertaken with senior colleagues and the Leaders of City of York and North Yorkshire councils, to refine the Framework further and ensure alignment with local ambitions. 


3.4       It is proposed that following approval for the draft Framework further consultation will be undertaken with elected members and officers of both Local Authorities and wider stakeholders.





4.1       The below diagram is the draft Economic Framework:




4.2       The Framework is under-pinned by three strategic ambitions;

·                Transition to a carbon negative region: A carbon negative, circular and more resilient economy;

·                Deliver good economic growth: A global, innovative, productive economy with strong and thriving businesses;

·                Increase Opportunities for all: A thriving and inclusive economy.


4.3       Health and wellbeing has been embedded across the framework, recognising the role in supporting the wider determinants of health (e.g. transport / air quality, good housing, good jobs etc.).


4.4       The strategic ambitions, coupled with a commitment to improving health and wellbeing should be at the heart of decision making for all aspects of the Framework.


4.5       In order to deliver the over-arching ambitions, the framework sets out 8 priority themes under which investment plans will be developed:

1.         Great Places sit at the heart of the plan, reflecting their importance to the economy of York and North Yorkshire and reflecting they often act as the link between the other seven investment themes.  

2.         A Well-Connected Economy, reflects the importance of transport and digital in connecting businesses and people to opportunities;

3.         Housing, with a particular focus on increasing affordable and sustainable homes;

4.         A Thriving Workforce will develop clear opportunities and skills pathways for all

5.         A Green & Circular Economy, reflects the value of our natural capital and economic potential of a sustainable energy sector;

6.         A Global Economy, will develop the inward investment potential of the region prioritising high growth sectors;

7.         A Productive & Innovative Economy will drive the performance of established  core sectors, whilst innovation and R&D;

8.         Culture & Heritage, reflects the world leading status of our assts and will seek to strengthen and increase investment into our cultural assets;


5.0       NEXT STEPS

5.1       Following approval by the Joint Committee, consultation work will then be undertake in January 2024 with a final framework to be agreed by the Combined Authority in February 2024.

5.2       To complement the Framework, investment plans will be developed across the priority themes, identifying priorities and opportunities across York and North Yorkshire. A further paper will be brought to the Combined Authority outlining these plans.

5.3       To support this process, there is also a need to ensure we have an investible pipeline of projects to enable early investment should the economic framework align with the Mayors priorities. The budget update paper proposes an initial allocation to support development of these projects.


6.1       No legal implications are anticipated at this point, as the approval sought from the Joint Committee is on a draft framework, subject to further consultation.           


7.1       No financial implications are anticipated at this point, as the approval sought from the Joint Committee is on a draft framework, subject to further consultation.


8.1       No climate change implications are anticipated at this point, as the approval sought from the Joint Committee is on a draft framework, subject to further consultation. The Framework identifies that all activity will need to contribute to the transition to carbon negative.


No equalities implications are anticipated at this point, as the approval sought from the Joint Committee is on a draft framework, subject to further consultation. The Framework identifies that all activity will need to make a contribution to an overarching ambition around increasing opportunities for all.


10.1     Approval of a draft Economic Framework to enable further consultation with City of York and North Yorkshire Councils, and wider stakeholders.










The Joint Committee is recommended to:

·         Approve the draft Economic Framework to enable further consultation with City of York and North Yorkshire Councils, and wider stakeholders.


Background Documents

City of York Council Economic Strategy 2022 - 32

North Yorkshire Council Economic Growth Strategy 2024 - 2029


Report Author – Andrew Leeming and Kate McHugh